The award goes to the model, that expresses and represents the bodypainting artwork the best. That includes the modeling on the main days, on stage as well as in the photo shooting area. This prize is awarded within the photo competition.
The award first time in history to a performance group, the models of the "Art Color Ballet" from Poland
Every year the art director Agnieska Glinska from Krakow the best bodypainting models and dancers to the World Bodypainting Festival. The main models in the World Awards were Anna Turzanska, Agata Glenc from Polen and guest performer Hyun Kim from South Korea. They performed also in the UV night contest as well as in the new "Installation Art Award" with further models such as Marta Mietelski, Joanna Czarnecka, Szymon Kamykowski, Maciej Talik and Grzegorz Szpak. The group was permanent in action throughout the whole day for visitors, in the photo areas on stage and for television. We are happy to hand over the unique trophy for the "Bodypainting Model of the Year" as part of a festive ceremony on the upcoming festival.

We had some other very good models at the World Bodypainting Festival 2012. So we started awarding also the second and third prize, which goes to:
- Ramona Schlössinger from Germany

- Vitalia Abramova from Russia