Showing posts with label mark reid art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mark reid art. Show all posts

Candid Shots From Seeboden

Monday, July 27, 2009

Here are some pictures of the back of the body art we painted.  And I take hat "we" to liberal use. I was humbly and happy to be simply Mark's assistant.  If I could help any friend win this great honor _ well what could be better than that.

And here too are some fun shots of work by the 2009 Sponge and Brush winners, Brian Wolfe and Nick Wolfe.  The first image is their prelim artwork and the second image with the dinosaurs and diamond is their final #1 winning artwork.  I love these guys,  I think the diamond was a bit of a statement, and we all have and get to make our own statements as artists.
One reason we are aritists and don't sell insurance! Brian and Nick are very talented with creative spirits and minds.  Their artwork was amazing, as were so many.   I'll post more soon.

Fun And Fifth From Seeboden

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Well working with Mark Reid was a blast.
I am slammed for time but will post candid pictures later tonight.

Mark Reid's Laughter

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mark Reid has the best laugh. It's real and it rolls...... and in his rise as a successful painter and instructor in face and body art..... he's laughing even more these days.

He is one of those artist that it just flows from him - a god given gift. And he shares that gift by showing others how to paint. Mark spent years a single dad, he has three children and now grandchildren and he had spent his fair time clipping coupons so yes he's due.

Years ago I took Mark's first class, then a year later I took another private class with him - and darn it to this day if I don't hear him in my ear as I paint....
I prefer to hear him in my head yelling .."Loretta...." across a ballroom or club crowded with body painters and models..... as I ever sooo slowing respond. I guess the superstar thing hasn't awed me as it has others. Mark is Mark, full of laughter and beautiful images.

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